A Complete List of My Novels

Gothic mystery, sci-fi, children’s adventures, and the odd romantic drama. Something for everyone.

Simon Dillon


Cover montage created in Canva by author. Cover designs by Denisa Trenkle and Charles Bown.

Please forgive this shameless self-promotion. If you are already familiar with my novels, or have read them, or have no interest in them, feel free to click away. However, because I get a lot of questions about my novels from other Medium writers — what kinds of novels, what are they about, where are they available to buy, and so on — I thought I’d write this article and pin it to my profile for easy reference.

I’ve been writing novels for the better part of twenty years. Most are self-published, but three of these — Spectre of Springwell Forest, The Irresistible Summons, and Phantom Audition — were originally published by US indie publisher Dragon Soul Press, before rights reverted to me. I’m still trying to secure mainstream publication with various unpublished manuscripts not listed here, but in the meantime, this lot are available for your reading pleasure, either via Kindle or Paperback. In some cases, I have opening chapters available to read on Medium, so you can “try before you buy”, if you wish.

Here’s a list, with a “logline” for each novel. Full blurbs are available by clicking through to each Amazon link via the title.

Gothic Mysteries



Simon Dillon

Novelist and Short Story-ist. Film and Book Lover. If you cut me, I bleed celluloid and paper pulp. Blog: www.simondillonbooks.wordpress.com