A fascinating article. I have not yet watched the Dahmer series, but then again television is a low priority for me (cinema and books always come first). So I can't comment on that specific series, but I did watch Mindhunter. That one was certainly compelling.
As for the wider question of being obsessed with serial killer dramas, documentaries, etc, that's an interesting one. I'm hesitant to describe anyone's interest as unhealthy. It all depends, and I am not a medical professional qualified to offer such an opinion. But I do agree one hundred percent that victims ought to be properly remembered, recognised, and respected - far more than their killers.
My obsession isn't with serial killers but with cinema and the art of storytelling. There are different considerations for fact and fiction, but sometimes storytelling should provoke difficult questions and conversations, and I admire contentious art that does this, often in shocking ways (Examples: The satire of Man Bites Dog or a serious film like Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer).
Much as I think The Silence of the Lambs is a first-rate thriller with outstanding performances, I do have some minor misgivings from a moral perspective. Yes, Hannibal Lecter eats people, but he's also charming, with good taste in wine, art, etc, and is polite. The film almost sets him up as a hero of sorts. I remember reading an interview with Jonathan Demme saying The Silence of the Lambs isn't a film that invites the audience to cheer at violence, but audiences did exactly that in the finale, when (spoiler alert) Jodie Foster guns down the killer. On the other hand, it is difficult to imagine even the most morally depraved audience cheering in the finale of Se7en. Rather, audiences are inwardly begging for Brad Pitt not to pull the trigger. I think in contrast to The Silence of the Lambs, Se7en really is a film that doesn't invite audiences to cheer at violence.
Anyway, those are my random thoughts on your excellent article, addressing the broader ideas rather than the specifics of the Dahmer series. I hope they were of interest. :)