A great piece. I too have a number of landmark holiday memories where I felt as though life couldn't possibly get any better.
My children are now 12 and 16. I am painfully aware how quickly they are growing up. In view of this, I know two things with absolute certainty: 1) I spent every possible moment I could with them enjoying times like those you describe in this article. Unlike some of my contemporaries who absurdly prioritised work over family, I have no regrets. No-one ever lay on their deathbed wishing they'd spent more time at work. 2) Despite this, and despite knowing I didn't waste the time I had with them as children, I know the day my sons finally leave home is a day that will be break my heart. But it will happen on a day of their choosing, and will take them on to their destinies, so it will be bittersweet. As Gandalf says, not all tears are an evil.