Actually, now you mention it, I’ve only ever watched Lolita all the way through once. I’m not sure why I’ve not yet revisited it. After all, it is superbly acted and directed.
What was outrageous about 300? I must confess I don’t care for Zack Snyder as a filmmaker, but I actually thought 300 was the closest he came to a film I consider passable. Yes, it’s essentially one long battle, art-directed to within an inch of it’s life, but as an exercise in mindless violence it was moderately satisfying, and therefore I came out feeling only moderately fed up (unlike his superhero films, which… Oh, please don’t get me started).
Glad I’ve supplied you with blagging points for A Clockwork Orange. I defend the rights of anyone not to see contentious films as much as I stand against censorship. :)