Alternatively, there are billions of years between Genesis Chapter 1 verse 2 and Genesis Chapter 1 verse 3, but that seems a stretch. Also there are two accounts of creation in Genesis, and I don't see how they could both be literally true. I actually do believe Adam and Eve were real people though, because the Bible lists a genealogy, which it never does for figurative characters (for instance, no genealogy for the Prodigal Son).
Lest all this sound like I'm a raving fundamentalist, I can assure you I'm not. I have tons of questions about the Bible that don't add up when it comes to creation. For example, if the Eden story is literally true, and there was no death in the world prior to the Fall of Man, what about all the ants? At the rate they reproduce, they'd smother the Earth very quickly.
None of this has any real bearing on my faith, to be honest, but it can be amusing to pontificate over (though certainly not fall out over).