As I've mentioned a number of times, I don't know enough details about any of these cases to make a proper judgement of guilt or innocence. I wasn't on the juries and didn't see all the evidence. However, based on my limited knowledge, I'll address all three cases as I understand them from what I've read in the media (please correct me if I'm wrong).
With Bill Cosby, it sounds to me like he exploited a loophole, which is downright horrifying. My understanding (again, correct me if I'm wrong) is that he was convicted on the testimony of multiple witnesses (all of whom testified with the kind of credibility you mention). That sounds fair enough. He should have gone to prison. Same with Harvey Weinstein, who was also convicted due to credible witnesses of the kind you describe.
With Woody Allen, it sounds more akin to a he said/she said situation, with Dylan Farrow claiming one thing, and Moses Farrow claiming she was coached by her mother, plus of course Woody's own denials and (I think - again, correct me if I'm wrong) testimony from Woody's former stepdaughter now wife. Plus there was the idea put forward that paedophile abusers generally follow a pattern with several victims, and that they don't just abuse one person then stop. Honestly, I don't know what to believe in this case. He may be guilty. But I understand he was acquitted. I'm unsure what to believe, and therefore refuse to state definitely that I know either way.
With Prince Andrew, unless he's the victim of a conspiracy of Michael Crichton proportions (it would involve digital photograph fakery, for one thing), I suspect he's guilty. But there is a grey area here. In the UK, the age of consent is 16. My understanding is she was 17 at the time, which makes it a crime in the US but not the UK. Does it make it any less creepy or predatory? Of course not. And his association with Epstein throws the matter in a whole different light. I have no difficulty believing he could be guilty of all sorts. But again, that's just speculation, even though in this case I believe his guilt is probable.
Anyway, those are my thoughts on the three cases you mentioned.