Crimes of the Future was OK, but far from his best. Here are the Cronenberg films I suggest you prioritise if you have a strong stomach:
The Brood - The best of his early films, I'd say (though I have a soft spot for the insanely transgressive Shivers).
Scanners - Michael Ironside. Exploding heads. What's not to like?
Videodrome - Kinky, twisted, and immensely disturbing, and yes, Debbie Harry is someone with whom I was utterly obsessed.
The Dead Zone - A comparatively restrained film for Cronenberg (a nasty moment involving a bath and scissors nothwithstanding) but it now feels eerily prescient in the Trump era. Also, I love Christopher Walken.
The Fly - Often disgusting but also weirdly tragic. Great performances from Geena Davis and Jeff Goldblum.
Dead Ringers - My personal favourite of his films, featuring a remarkable double performance from Jeremy Irons. Ultimately, it's desperately sad and rather moving.
Crash - Don't get this confused with the Paul Haggis film about racism, as this is a film about getting sexually turned on by car crashes (no, I'm not joking).
Eastern Promises - You can't tell me you don't want to see Viggo Mortensen having a brutal naked knife fight in a sauna, but just make sure you watch the uncut version.