Depressing but accurate, and the reason why my wife and I have maintained a very short leash concerning access to online materials. Thankfully, both our children seem to have developed their own critical thinking skills, and are even more cynical than we are about such things. I have more social media than my children (mainly for promoting my novels) whereas they staunchly refuse to have Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok (which they detest with a burning passion as their friends often email all manner of irritating things from there).
As for their phones, I'm so proud of them both as they come to me or my wife immediately if they get something dodgy sent to them. They both make liberal use of the block function, and understand and accept that we can look at their messages at any given time. This will continue to be the case until they are both 18 (my eldest almost is).
Much as we may fantasise about taking an Amish approach to the internet and so on (a wonderful idea) Pandora's box has been opened. The best approach now is proper parenting. Obviously that should always have been the case, but the depressing apathy of parents who won't let their little ones play outside, cycle, climb trees, or build dens in the woods because it isn't "safe" (or in case they're attacked by roaming paedophiles), yet are quite happy to let the Devil babysit them via their phones has meant an entire generation has paid a very heavy price for their lack of vigilance.