Member-only story
Dillon Picks October 2021
In which I manage to make having your article selected for inclusion sound sinister and menacing.
Once again, I separate sand from spice in my round-up of the best articles I’ve read on Medium over the past month. That’s a Dune reference by the way. Please go and see it at the cinema, if you haven’t already. Part 2 might not get made in the event of poor box office, so it’s on all of you to make it a success. Yes, I’ll know if you decide to shirk this responsibility. Don’t think you can hide from the eyes of the Dillon Empire. Glance again at the above photo and cower in shuddering fear. They see everything.
Don’t think you can hide your excellent articles from me either. You may have tried to bury them in the Mount Everest of weaponised sour grapes complaining about the upshot of the Medium Writing Contest, but I’ve still found them. What’s more, I am linking to them here with deliberate, pre-meditated, benevolence of forethought.
If you’ve managed to end up on this list (no mean feat, as I have immensely strict criteria), you may allow yourself a brief period of insufferable self-congratulation. I will also open the comments to Oscar-acceptance-speech-style nauseating gratitude. In fact, if the responses are creative enough, I may even republish the most over-the-top acceptance…