Dillon Picks September 2024

The very best articles unearthed by my monthly mining of Medium

Simon Dillon


Imperial scrutiny eviscerates AI apologists but elevates writing deemed worthy of honour. Photo by author.

The Dillon Empire’s greatest war these days, at least on Medium, seems to be against those infernal bots or cloned profiles. I swat these on an almost daily basis, reporting them as spam with extreme prejudice to the agents of Lord Stubblebine. It’s particularly galling expecting a comment from a writer respected by the Imperium, only to discover it’s some robotic impersonator blithering about cryptocurrency or trying to get me to call a WhatsApp number. All of which led me to a genuine question: Does anyone seriously fall for this nonsense? Presumably, they do, otherwise the trolls wouldn’t keep at it.

Such irritations are comparable to the infestation of midges on the Isle of Skye during summer. A word of advice to visitors: once you’re in a mild breeze you’re fine, as it grounds the pesky airborne menace. As such, I trust this day brings the proverbial mild breeze to you all on Medium, and that your lives here are not blighted with swarms of bots. Such annoyances aside, life here is pretty good, I think. I no longer feel a need to include an extensive list of what won’t pass muster for selection in Dillon Picks, as the earnings bragging, “hustle bro” porn, AI apologists, and other assorted ghastliness seems relatively thin on the ground. Perhaps they have got…



Simon Dillon

Novelist and Short Story-ist. Film and Book Lover. If you cut me, I bleed celluloid and paper pulp. Blog: www.simondillonbooks.wordpress.com