Even as a Christian, I find myself in agreement with much of this. I despair of pseudo-spirituality, and especially of mindless positivity which is little more than abject denial of reality. You find this in certain evangelical Christian circles too. For instance, my wife (then a relatively new Christian) was once harranged by someone for saying she had a cold. Apparently she shouldn't have said this because she was "confessing" this over herself, and not speaking that she didn't have a cold, in faith. That's just a stupid denial of reality and has no bearing on true faith whatsoever.
I also absolutely loathe the pseudo-inspirational platitudes, memes, and the like. In fact, my best friend and I, when we were bored, once devised a satirical Facebook group that posted these, but we'd provide scathing comment ripping them apart. For example, beneath "The only disability in life is a bad attitude" I wrote. "In that case, please can I apply for disability benefit?" You get the idea.
On the other hand, I have a lived, experiential relationship with God through Jesus Christ that is undeniably real to me. This is the heart of the Christian faith, not good deeds, or trying to live a moral life (though those are bi-products), and certainly not pretending everything is great when it isn't. Being a Christian doesn't make you exempt from difficult experiences and dark times. But as I said, my relationship with God is amazing and I love it. I have many remarkable stories I could tell you about how God has spoken to me, through all sorts of things (though only once audibly, most of the time it is more of an impression or a "still, small voice" as Elijah puts it in the Bible - in 1 Kings Chapter 19). Yes, at times this has provided vital wisdom and direction for my life, but in my experience, God is less interested in what you do, and more interested in just spending time with you. Hanging out, if you will. Just as your relationships with different people are different, God has a different relationship with everyone. With me, God has a great sense of humour. I've often been surprised by the hilarious things he's said to me.
Rest assured, I'm not anti-science. I believe science can explain all things, but as limited three-dimensional human beings, some things are beyond our comprehension. For example, the existence of "love" cannot be proved in three-dimensional scientific terms, but it is a lived reality for many. So it is with God, when one discovers a relationship with him.
I'll leave it there. Sorry for the long sermon. :)