Excellent article.
These days I rush nothing, and the novels I have out there are in great shape. However, themost painful lessons I've learned about my novels have been when I've tried to self-publish titles that haven't been properly edited. Because of this, I have actually withdrawn three of my earlier children's adventure novels, because I need time to fix certain things, including the titles. They are a science fiction adventure trilogy aimed at the Harry Potter/Alex Rider demographic, but the titles (George goes to Mars, George goes to Titan, George goes to Neptune) sound like picture books for very young children. I know the stories they contain are gripping, thrilling stuff - everyone who has read them loves them - but there are certain scenes that need to be properly edited, especially some of the longer action scenes. I need a professional editor for this (ie not me) and have a lot of other writing priorities at present, so for now those books are unavailable. But they will be reborn (with new titles) some day.
Thanks again for the article.