Firstly, thank you.
Second, I think in general that's an interesting question because I think the answer isn't necessarily clear-cut. It depends from person to person, and their own preconceptions about America.
In my case, I am very pro-America. I consider a strong America in the interests of everyone in the world, and suggesting otherwise is blinkered and foolish. A world without a strong America is potentially catastrophic. What's more, there are many aspects of American culture I admire and appreciate (not least the extraordinary role it has played shaping cinema history). And some great food too. On top of that, the Americans I know personally are, almost without exception, intelligent, erudite, witty, and thoughtful, knowing far more about history and the affairs of other nations than stereotypes suggest.
Getting back to the point... It therefore absolutely breaks my heart to see Americans at one another's throats in the way they have been in recent years, over the various political culture wars. I've spent considerable time in America (mostly in Washington DC, though I've also been to Florida), and I have to admit there is, in my experience, a certain lack of objectivity about this issue on both sides. I do believe that, in some cases, outsiders are perhaps able to see blind spots that someone inside the culture cannot. I would argue the same is true about UK culture, but again, it would depend on from whom the critiques are originating. If someone has British interests at heart, I'm sure they could identify issues that need addressing that perhaps we're too blinkered to see.