Funny story: I was with a young female friend in conversation with a group of evangelical Christians we know. The subject turned to cinema and this friend of mine (let's call her Sarah - not her real name) suddenly said: "I saw Fifty Shades the other day." The Christians all looked censorial and disapproving, but before they could say anything more, I said: "Sarah, my problem isn't that you went to see a BDSM film. My problem is that you went to see a really rubbish BDSM film, instead of something like Belle De Jour or Secretary." The evangelical ire thus was turned away from Sarah and onto me. (I should clarify that I am a Christian, but don't "identify" - if you'll forgive my use of an obscenity - as evangelical, as in America at least, that word now seems to equate with being a Trump-supporting, extreme capitalist, everything-fun-is-wrong, conspiracy theorist lunatic, rather than someone who believes in telling people about Jesus.)