Good article. My beta readers have been very scathing at times. One told me to put my (second) novel through the shredder. Ouch! Still, he was right. My first three novels will rightly never see the light of day. I know my writing has greatly improved since then (that was nearly 20 years ago).
I'm actually fairly thick-skinned, although I do get irritated if I feel someone has missed the point of what I'm trying to achieve. The question I then ask is why have they missed the point? It is important to test on a few different (and diverse) people, to see if they all come back with the same criticisms. If they do, the chances are they are right.
On the other hand, sometimes I write knowing full well it will annoy some people but delight others (for example, some people take great exception to ambiguous endings). Ultimately, these things are all subjective.