Great anecdote. Do I have any stories like this? Not really. Speaking in purely stereotypical terms, I'm the wrong gender and I also know for a fact that I scared a few young ladies prior to meeting my wife (not on purpose). I actually mentioned this to my wife the other day, and she said (rather scathingly) they must have been "wusses" who lacked the necessary wit to engage in one-upmanship with my somewhat dark and twisted persona. But perhaps I really am that scary. Who knows?
Actually, thinking about it, I do have one great story along these lines that you might appreciate. Prior to meeting my wife, a male flatmate of mine (let's call him Bob - not his real name), who was also a colleague, claimed he had a bunny boiler-type ex-girlfriend stalker. I didn't believe him. Nor did his current girlfriend and future wife (another colleague - lets call her Daisy, another fake name). We used to tease him about this, telling him we'd just spotted her looking for him, or that she'd been in the car park and slashed the tyres on his car. That sort of thing. It used to really piss him off (we were arseholes to him, I won't lie).
Anyway, one Sunday, another flatmate of ours, Richard (again, not his real name) returned home from his church with a woman we'll call Alice (not her real name). He'd met Alice that morning, got on well with her, and invited her for Sunday lunch. I was largely indifferent to all of this, and carried on my Sunday afternoon Godzilla marathon (including Godzilla versus King Ghidorah, one of my personal favourites). Sometime in the middle of the afternoon, Bob returned from wherever he had been, and he turned pale as he saw us sitting together watching Godzilla films.
Yes, you've guessed it: Alice was the stalker. She'd found out where Bob lived, followed Richard and discovered where he went to church, gone to his church, introduced herself to him, ingratiated herself to the point that she got an invitation to lunch at our place, all so she could track down Bob and see him again.
Needless to say, once we realised what had happened, we threw her out and warned her not to return. I felt pretty damn stupid after that, I can tell you. There were subsequent incidents, though nothing quite as audacious on Alice's part. However, when Bob and Daisy finally got married, Alice even turned up at the wedding, and was thrown out - again! The moral of the story: Sometimes when a bloke says he has a bunny boiler-type ex-girlfriend, he isn't exaggerating. :)