Hello Michelle. Thank you for reading my review, and for your comment. I'm glad the film worked for you.
To be clear: I think the film did honour Boseman, and my review makes that clear with reference to the start and end of the film, which I found moving. It is what occurred in between that I found lacking narratively and sometimes technically.
Since you choose to quote Quiana Davis, I feel obliged to respond to a few of her points.
I am depressingly familiar with grief, and I think assumptions that I'm not (or other members of the audience for that matter) have no bearing on whether one can objectively critique the film for being narratively and technically lacking. As Rocket Racoon once said: "We've all got dead people."
I am entirely aware of the cultural phenomenon, and again, that has no bearing on whether one can objectively critique this specific film for being narratively and technically lacking.
I agree that paying homage to Chadwick Boseman was essential, and indeed it is moving, but in my review I make clear it isn't that part of the film I take issue with.
At no point do I suggest the canon of the comics shouldn't have been embraced, nor do I take issue with any of Shuri's character arc in the film.
I have absolutely no issue with the Atlantean folklore Mayan connection. I just wish the design choices didn't make me think of Avatar.
I don't require constant action, but a better screenplay would be nice, and I would hardly describe the cinematography as exceptional, considering how murky it looks in places. And no, I don't think that was a stylistic choice, given the visual inconsistency of the film (some sections looked fine, and akin to the look of the first film). It looks more like lazy grading. It is therefore perfectly legitimate to criticise this film for having a sub-par screenplay and poor cinematography.
To be clear: I'm not saying you were accusing me of any of this by quoting Quiana Davis, but I felt the need to make the above clear, for anyone else perusing the comments. Again, I'm glad the film worked for you. :)