Hi Austin,
I perhaps ought to clarify my position a little. Yes, I wanted to get Peaceful Quiet Lives out there quickly, so decided to self-publish it. Part of the reason was it fell outside my established gothic mystery horror/thrillers or children's adventure novels. Three of the former (Spectre of Springwell Forest, The Irresistible Summons, and Phantom Audition) were traditionally published by an indie publisher, to results that frankly weren't much better than my self-published novels. In fact, Children of the Folded Valley (which I believe I mentioned to you on a previous occasion) sold over 10,000 copies, and that was self-published with virtually no marketing. I have no idea what I did "right" on that occasion, and if I knew, I'd certainly attempt to replicate it. It was an "act of God" success, or total fluke, depending on how you look at it. At any rate, I hope Peaceful Quiet Lives will be the last time I go the self-published route, for all the very sensible reasons you give. I don't view Children of the Folded Valley's success as indicative of any great marketing prowess on my part, or as an argument for self-publishing, but as a peculiar aberration.
I am currently sitting on several other manuscripts in varying states of disrepair. Some are almost ready for publisher/agency submission. Others are just a first draft. But one of these - a Dark Ages set romantic tragedy - is going to be my next attempt at finding mainstream publication. I actually have half a dozen fantasy novels sitting in my "pile", and have held on to them precisely because fantasy is a bloody difficult genre to get right. But it is the next direction I hope to take my writing, and hopefully agents/publishers will agree when they see it.
I want to thank you again for your extensive feedback. In view of what you have said, I am going to attempt a rewrite on the blurb. I might even crave your indulgence by throwing it under your eye in a later comment on this post ( though you are under no obligation to reply of course, and I know you've already gone above and beyond in terms of deploying your professional expertise on my work). It might interest you to know that another professional editor I am in contact with has suggested I withdraw Peaceful Quiet Lives and resubmit it to major publishers, since it's hardly made waves so far. I am considering that option too.
Thank you again.