I have one interest in all this: Is it a good film? Actually, it's pretty good. Here's my review:
I cannot understand all the fuss about historical inaccuracy. What is boycotting going to do? It isn't going to prevent slavery. That's already happened and over with. So what purpose does it serve, other than to frustrate the efforts of Black artists who have put their talents to good use? It's as ridiculous as me boycotting Braveheart (an equivalent film) because I'm English and the film is rife with historical inaccuracies (a Mount Everest of them in fact) and anti-English, pro-Scottish nationalist rhetoric (some of it arguably responsible for stirring up anti-unionist, pro-SNP sentiment in the north of the UK). It's entertainment. It's Hollywood. Anyone with half a brain understands this kind of film is myth-making, and what's wrong with that? It works for Spartacus, it works for Braveheart, and it works for The Woman King.