I strongly disagree with the idea that Star Wars isn't "smart" (the original - no one in my generation calls it A New Hope). For all the reasons why I think it's a clever piece of filmmaking, check out the piece I link to below.
Why ‘Star Wars’ is the Best Summer Blockbuster | Fanfare
My argument has nothing whatsoever to do with what may be deemed "smart" and everything to do with genre. There is smart dystopian sci-fi and dumb dystopian sci-fi. The same is true for fantasy and I consider Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi (and the later films) essentially fantasy. A fairy tale in space. Good though it is, Andor seems to abandon these core fantasy concepts (whereas I don't think Rogue One does, entirely).
Andor is good but it feels a genre apart from Star Wars, ie dystopian sci-fi rather than modern fairy tale/fantasy. Andor does not have that fantasy feel. That's all I'm pointing out.
In fairness, I have very little interest in the Star Wars TV series (for me, it belongs on the big screen), but I agree Andor stood out of those I have seen (I haven't watched all of them).