I suppose it depends where you live, but here in the UK (at least outside of London) my current Cineworld monthly subscription comes to £16.99 - more than Netflix, but not that much more, and I know which I'd rather have.
I do appreciate that some people have limited means, and that is fair enough. However, I go all hot and cold at the thought of someone discovering Lawrence of Arabia, Apocalypse Now, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, or 2001: A Space Odyssey on a phone instead of a screen the size of a Latin American country in glorious 70mm. My own children both wanted to see 2001, and I told them to wait for a cinema re-release for their first viewing rather than watch the Blu Ray on my shelf, and that they'd thank me. They both did (on two separate re-release occasions) and both thanked me exactly as predicted. Some films just don't work on television. True love waits, and all that. ;) With 2001 and it's ilk, there really ought to be a law against watching on television - or at the very least, against seeing that way for the first time (one can rediscover them that way, in the same way a postcard of the Sistine Chapel reminds one of the real visit). ;)
As you can see, this is very much a hill I will die on. Such hyperbole aside, I'm curious: Which episode of Community got the axe? I very much enjoyed that series, and if it is the latest victim of cancellation madness, I might have to invest in a DVD boxset on principle.