I think my misgivings are entirely rational, given human history with technology, most specifically corner-cutting human greed that skimps on safety, and criminal endeavour in general. Dystopian fiction is a necessary warning about such things, and I for one choose to take heed of them. For instance, I believe dystopian dictatorships have been avoided or at least considerably watered down, due to George Orwell. Due to Nineteen Eighty-Four, with every cry of "Orwellian", intrusive draconian surveillance legislation has been often defanged through check and balance lobbying. Dystopian fiction performs a vital function.
In the same way, sounding alarm bells concerning those hellbent on marching headlong into technological advances "because they can" will hopefully cause people to sit up and take note in a similar way. I believe pushing for driverless cars is reckless and dangerous. I desperately hope I'm proved wrong, but I for one will never set foot on one of the damn things.