I think the film itself is little more than a rather average low-budget thriller, but the ending appeal is odd. Caviezel seems to be under the delusion that his film is as great as something like Schindler's List. A direct legacy of the latter was the USC Shoah foundation. Spielberg didn't take a penny for that film, but put the proceeds of his share towards setting up this foundation to chronicle survivor testimonies and keep their stories alive for future generations. People who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it, and all that.
But with Sound of Freedom, I just want to know what the point of merely raising awareness can be. Awareness of what, exactly? As you say, everyone agrees trafficking is bad, but according to those most directly involved in confronting trafficking, this film peddles dangerous myths. Also, Caviezel is hardly a good mouthpiece for this cause, given his QAnon beliefs. Why then the push to make this film a smash? Are the filmmakers funnelling profits into QAnon propaganda? Or are they just wanting to make money? The latter motive is entirely fair and reasonable, but manipulating viewers via the pay-it-forward scheme is morally dubious at best. I felt like saying "I've already bought a ticket. I've contributed to your coffers. Why should I buy tickets for other people, as though I were sponsoring a child in Africa?" Something is definitely off about that.