I wish I could clap this article a thousand times. As a stereotypical old-school introverted repressed Brit, I simply cannot abide those loudly blither on about private matters via electronic devices on public transport (although I suspect it isn't quite so bad here, given UK cultural reservedness among all but the most lacking in self-awareness).
My greatest bugbear is the "very important businessman" on train journeys, who feels the need to brief his minions at great volume, presumably to accentuate his inflated sense of self-importance, and thus shattering the tranquility of all those within earshot. I once approached a particualrly obnoxious specimen, asking him to speak up a little as I was taking notes and didn't want to miss anything. Those around me guffawed, and the individual in question hurriedly ended the call. Damn. I really wanted to know more about that urgent report that was due on Friday...