In my experience (and yes, yes, I know, #notallESFJs) they are craven followers of rules, not matter how idiotic or even immoral, because "they are the rules" and because they are drawn to whoever is perceived to have power. They are also keen to enforce established social orders, and are hideously intolerant of anything "weird". For example, one ESFJ I knew in my previous job would consistently tell me I was weird (and my children were weird too, for that matter). Coming from her it was an insult, and an urge that I should pull myself together and be "normal". But coming from an INTP like your good self, it would be a compliment.
I struggle with sensor types on a general level, because they often strike me as superficial and uninterested in the deep or abstract. That's fine. I'm quite happy to leave them to their small talk, but unlike their other sensor cousins, ESFJs have always seemed particularly hellbent on trying to make me conform to their tiny little view of the world.
Rant over.