Interesting and vitally important. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. I think anyone with an artistic bone in their body - not to mention a soul - will oppose this merger.
This quote from Robert Donat (playing cinematic pioneer William Friese-Greene in The Magic Box, one of my favourite films) is about inventors, but it seems apt here too:
“You big businessmen are all the same. Just because you can read a profit and loss account and know where to sign your name on a bill of exchange, you think you’re entitled to tell the rest of the world what to do. The big business oracles! Anything that isn’t busy making money for you is a waste of time. Anything you can’t understand is a crackpot experiment. But remember this! If it weren’t for the crackpot experiments and the people who make them, most of you businessmen wouldn’t exist at all. Except as marketplace peddlers!” (From the film The Magic Box, an adaptation of Ray Allister’s biography of William Friese-Greene, written by Eric Ambler and directed by John Boulting, 1951.)