It has impacted many creative areas, not just writing. However, with writing it has meant areas such as scripts, autocue, voiceover (in VT inserts, commercials, trailers/promos etc), are sometimes recycled with no real thought. Where I've worked, I've seen creatives - including writers - treated with contempt by various corporate goons who end up shooting themselves in the foot by cutting creative corners rather than creating a decent product.
A biproduct of this culture has meant staff writers and other creatives are frequently the target of cutbacks because it is believed these people can be "outsourced". In some cases they can. However, when you're writing for certain channels that require a specific voice and cultural understanding of where they are coming from, it pays to have in-house staff. It isn't just niche channels either. The BBC made this mistake, and are just starting to wake up to it. They got rid of loads of in-house creatives, thinking they'd save money, only to end up paying freelancers through the nose. Of course, lots of these people were offered their old jobs back, but they don't want them as they're making more as freelancers. Pandora's Box has well and truly been opened.
Anyway, sorry for the long rant. I hope that gives you an insight into my frustrations with the industry (in the UK at least).