It's partly that, but it's mainly the disagreement on interpretation. There are some really, really daft perspectives on it. My personal view is fairly literal - I believe if the Bible says something, then unless it is an obvious figure of speech (eg "the trees of the fields shall clap their hands"), or a dream, or a vision, it means exactly what it says. Also, if it is meant to be symbolic, it says so. Example: In the early chapters of Revelation, John sees seven lampstands. Then the book literally tells you what it means (they represent the seven churches).
So yes, if it's symbolic, it says so. Otherwise, take it literally. That's why I believe one day there will literally be boulder sized hail, fire, seas turning to blood, etc, etc. Sounds insane, but given what the antichrist gets up to (named "the Beast" in Revelation), I can understand why God gets seriously pissed. Of course, whether this happens in our lifetime is another matter entirely. Jesus himself (whilst he was on Earth) says that only God knows the day or the hour. But yes, I do take it seriously. And that rattles a lot of Christians, many of whom like their cosy little Sunday meetings, treating Christianity like a social club rather than something with the power (as I believe it has) to transform lives for the better, reconciling us with God.
Sermon over. :)