James (and Barnaby) - Since you've started the inevitable Kubrick corner in the comments section, I'll just chip in with my thoughts on this.
I do think Eyes Wide Shut is a much better film than was generally thought on the initial release (I remember William Friedkin being particularly scathing about it). I think it does critique power structures, and it has other interesting things to say about definitions of infidelity and so forth. The occult dimension is also fascinating, but I won't get into debate on the various conspiracy theories surrounding that.
My top Kubrick choices are 2001: A Space Odyssey and Paths of Glory, but those are personal preferences, and I find it next to impossible to rank his films with one key exception: 2001 is his greatest, as I think this list affirms.
Almost all his films are personal favourites (especially Barry Lyndon and Dr Strangelove), though I'm less keen on Full Metal Jacket, I confess. I just think the second half is less powerful than the first. But I get the two-films-for-the-price-of-one argument too, and obviously the second half is still very powerful.