Just about the only advantage of digital over 35mm or 70mm (a rant for another day) is that at least rereleases are easier to achieve these days for cinemas. There have been quite a few more of these (in the UK at least). 2001: A Space Odyssey, Lawrence of Arabia, and Apocalypse Now seem to crop up every few years or so, and we got a Close Encounters of the Third Kind re-release a couple of years back, which meant my youngest got to see that for the first time on the big screen (and he was blown away by it). Incidentally, they both saw 2001 for the first time at the cinema. They had pestered me to watch the DVD, but I had warned them against it, urging a first-ever viewing to be in the cinema.
On an entirely unrelated note, my wife tells me I’m a very “special” parent.