Just one, isn't it? And of course, symbolically, it's an Irishman. The inherent pro-IRA subtext annoyed the hell out of me, as it came off as what was then typical American ignorance about what was going on in the UK (at the time, a lot of IRA funding came from America). Of course, America subsequently discovered terrorism was horrid with 9/11 so all that St Patrick's Day IRA fundraising propaganda and nonsense often inherent in Hollywood films and elsewhere swiftly came to an end, thank God.
Also, just because I admire Bono so much for doing this, here's his scathing condemnation of the IRA to an audience of Irish Americans in the late 1980s.
[1983] U2 — SUNDAY BLOODY SUNDAY (live Rattle And Hum, 1988) (youtube.com)