Militant rhetoric stirs up fear on both sides, with disastrous results. The media have had their share of blame for years, but now everyone is complicit, because of social media and whatnot. I'm not a US citizen (I'm in the UK), but I'm appalled by the hysteria from both sides. I don't much care for Biden, and Trump I have a particularly loathing for, but neither of them are about to bring about the end of American democracy.
Now someone is dead, possibly as a direct result of this endless media/social media/political propaganda perfect storm of brainwashing and fearmongering. Perhaps the young bloke responsible thought he was defending democracy or something. Everyone in America needs to bloody well calm down.
I wrote a novel (which you can find on Amazon and various other outlets if you're interested) called Peaceful Quiet Lives. It's a dystopian romance set in a post second US civil war scenario with "two nations under God" rather than one. It's also a satire of the paranoia and fears of those on both sides of the US culture war.
Great article, by the way.