My mother has told me all about making Aliyah, as have the several friends I know living in Israel (for my previous job, I had to travel there a great deal - so many times that I've lost count of how many times I've visited).
Do I incorporate Judaism into my faith? Not in terms of strict religious observance, but then again there are plenty of Christian traditions I don't observe either. Theologically though? Quite a bit. I reject all the anti-Semitic nastiness that has crept into Christianity down the centuries. For instance, there's something called "replacement theology" in some Christian denominations that claims the Bible means the church when it says "Israel" in the New Testament, as the church is supposedly the "spiritual Israel". I don't believe that for one second (Romans 9, 10, and 11 soundly refutes this). When it says the church it means the church and when it says Israel it means Israel.
But yes - I've certainly observed Jewish feasts and such when visiting Israel or in the company of Jewish friends.
I'm not sure I will write about all this on Medium though. Perhaps elsewhere.
Suggestions re: The Lost World, if it were me, I'd discuss the overall premise rather than get bogged down in too many details concerning specific seasons, and try to avoid spoilers (or else give spoiler warnings). If there are lots of stand-alone stories, I'd probably list my favourites (like I did with this piece on Doctor Who recently). :)