My point (and the point of the article) is that regardless of context (and I understand what you’re getting at), idiotic statements like this have become so prevalent that it has irreparably muddied the definition of “feminist” (just as I’d argue the definition of “evangelical” has been muddied).
It becomes particularly depressing when one’s adolescent children happen upon vile statements of this kind. I had to have a very long conversation with my then eleven year old (who is autistic) explaining that there wasn’t a vast group of deranged murderous “feminists” who were out to kill him purely because of his gender. Obviously we’ve tried to be extremely careful about his online activities but he still comes across this stuff often (often sent by unhelpful “friends”). At 13, his cynicism on the term “feminist” has all but solidified for this reason, despite all exhaustive counter programming from my wife and me. So that’s one of many readers why I now say “equal rights activist” not “feminist”.