No, because I live in the UK. The NHS may have its challenges, but thank God we have it. The idea of not having it is barbaric and inhumane. Otherwise known as "US healthcare" (a contradiction in terms). I hear stories like this one and am consistently horrified that US voters haven't demanded their own health service, en masse. Instead, brainwashed by insurance agencies, they blither on about "socialism", presumably imagining the UK, Europe, and Scandinavia as dystopian Stalinist hellholes for having proper medical care. Yes, I know #notallamericans, but far too many have their heads buried in their collective arses on this issue. Stop listening to right-wing lies, and actually try looking at why we have state funded healthcare in places like the UK. It may not be perfect, but the alternative doesn't bear thinking about.
Rant over. Really sorry about your father by the way.