No Bruce is like me not having a Pet Shop Boys single in one of my annual compilations (to be fair, there are a few rogue years where I don't).
Anyway, speaking of Pet Shop Boys, they'd be on my best albums of the 1990s list for Behaviour (1990), U2 for Achtung Baby in 1991, not sure about 1992 or 1993 (remember I'm a singles person rather than an album person), but for 1994 I'd opt for Blur's Parklife, 1995 Pulp's Different Class, or maybe Radiohead's The Bends... For the back end of the decade I'd propably opt for more pop related stuff, just to annoy rock fundamentalists (maybe Spice Girls' Spice - it has some cracking tracks). Oh, and now I've left out The Prodigy. Damn.