Nope. That would be Richard Donner's Superman, starring Christopher Reeve. He has genuinely romantic chemistry with Margot Kidder (unlike the charisma free affair between Henry Cavill and Amy Adams), plus Reeve is a sublime Clark Kent. Reeve was a much better actor than anyone gave him credit for. Plus Hackman's Lex Luthor makes a perfect brains versus brawn foil, and John Williams flattens all superhero score competition with his sublime music (which is a lot more than just the main theme, I might add).
Yes, the visual effects have dated (though many still look impressive) but I'll take Donner's Superman a hundred times or more over the one-note cacophony of tedium that is Man of Steel. There's really only so many times you can throw General Zod through a building before it just becomes numbing. Yes, the Marvel movies go overblown in some of their climaxes too, but at least they have a modicum of wit.
I have nothing against Henry Cavill or Amy Adams as actors. They've done fine work elsewhere. But Synder saddles them with a po-faced lead balloon of a script. Yes, there are some decent bits and pieces in the first half with Kevin Costner's Jonathan Kent, but his idiotic death scene made no sense at all. The beauty of the Jonathan Kent's death scene in Donner's Superman is that, with his heart attack, it really was something that Superman, with all of his powers, could not stop. Whereas Superman absolutely could have saved him from that tornado. But Synder's because-we-can attitude to chucking visual effects at every scene overrode subtlety or interesting narrative choices.
All that said, each to their own, and I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'll say this much: It was better than the unmitigated flatulence that was Batman v Superman and especially Justice League (my thoughts on the latter in full here, if you've the stomach for them).