Oh, we definitely disagree on certain things. But there are a number of factors I consider before starting a debate/argument with anyone.
1. Do I respect the person with whom I disagree? (In your case, emphatically yes.)
2. Is the statement provoking my disagreement made logically and coherently? (Again, always emphatically the case with you.)
3. Is a debate/argument likely to result in a repetition of entrenched beliefs, or will it enrich either party, causing them to consider old evidence from a different viewpoint, or consider new evidence that invalidates or gives context to the old? (Again, in your case, I think we would endeavour to see one another's point of view and acknowledge where nuance comes into play, even if we still disagreed by the end.)
4. Is this an argument best held offline?
5. If online is OK, should the argument be conducted in a public forum or in private messages?
6. Can I be bothered and do I have the time? (Most of the time, the answer is no to both questions, but if I had the time, I'd certainly enjoy debating certain subjects with you on which I know we disagree.)
That's a bit of an insight into my thought process. When it comes to a public forum, I tend to be a lot more outspoken on things like my opinion on films. When it comes to more sensitive matters - for example matters of faith - I tend to remain silent. Some viewpoints are largely based on experiential evidence, and whilst one can debate theology or atheism versus belief in God until one is blue in the face, most of the time, it doesn't change anyone's mind.