This is an excellent essay on a hugely important subtext in Better Call Saul. I ended up feeling immensely sorry for Howard, who really did not deserve all that happened to him. Jimmy and Kim's vendetta against him was incredibly cruel, because they saw him as a symbol and not a person, as you say.
I think the implicit message of the story is that it is high time people stopped competing in the Oppression Olympics using blithering about "privilege" and so forth as an excuse to overlook the humanity in others, and the genuine pain they may be experiencing. Yes, some people have unfair advantages in life (though to my mind these tend to be class/wealth based more than anything, or at least that's certainly the case here in the UK). However, they are, like Howard, still human beings. Just because someone breaks a leg doesn't mean it doesn't hurt when someone twists an ankle or stubs a toe, if you follow my metaphor.