Precisely. The so-called gender wars have gone completely nuts this decade, and it depresses me no end. There are extremist nutters on both sides, and I've no idea what has provoked all this nonsense.
I've been happily married to my wife since about 1423, and mercifully met her prior to all this ghastly swipey-appy social media bollocks, but I hear (second hand, via my children) absolute horror stories about today's so-called dating scene, and attitudes held by both young men and women who have been poisoned by twatbangle influencers like Andrew Tate and his vile ilk (I first heard of Tate when I saw he'd been arrested on the news - a truly odious man). For the record: Both my sons, now 19 and 15, refuse point blank to have any social media - not because of parental prohibition, but because they've seen what it has done to their friends and contemporaries.
Anyway, all of this is a long winded way of saying you've got a great common sense perspective on all this. :)