Regarding your selections:
1 - I certainly wouldn't recommend it to anyone. Not even if you're curious. You're better off not knowing.
2 - Only for fans of extreme and perverse cinema.
3 - I agree with you. No. No. No. (One no for every film). Unutterably horrid, with no redeeming artistic merit whatsoever.
4 - Again, not a fan, but it's of interest for serious students of the depraved.
5 - Of all the films you listed, this is one I genuinely think you've included unfairly. It's a superbly acted, written, and directed piece of work. A difficult film to love, no question. And very dark indeed. But it isn't a film that I think deserves the company of A Serbian Film or The Human Centipede.
However, The Emoji Movie absolutely deserves its place. That film needs to be cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came.