Since I've seen the film once and you've seen it twenty times, I'm prepared to admit you've got a more informed opinion, even though I am unrepentant in my utter indifference to Encanto, and stand by all my original criticisms.
I get what you are saying about it being character driven, but all good stories are character driven, in the sense that the choices of the character drive the plot. As screenwriting guru Robert McKee says, character is plot and plot is character in a good story. They are one and the same thing. People often confuse character (choices made under pressure revealing truth about who they really are) with characterisation (a character's vital statistics - gender, occupation, personality traits, etc). In the case of Encanto, I don't think the choices characters made under pressure provide any great depth of insight. I understand the filmmakers intention about generational trauma, etc, but other films did it much better (Coco for instance).
Regarding Tangled, it is included in my ten favourite Disney animated films, which I recently wrote about here, if you're interested. :)