Thank you, Eric.
Although it isn't as good as Raiders, I actually love Temple of Doom (the horror fanatic in me, perhaps, plus happy childhood memories of seeing it on a double bill with Raiders). I write about it more here, if you're interested, and watch out for an upcoming article on Last Crusade. :)
On your other points, yes I agree Ke Huy Quan is the best thing in Everything Everywhere, and Nolan is great at eschewing CGI wherever possible, as you say (I think he only uses it for wire removal, in the main).
Good use of CGI in films? The original Jurassic Park, for starters. And Gollum in The Lord of the Rings worked well as a motion capture character (with that trilogy, Peter Jackson wisely considered CGI the regretful last resort, once all other options had been eliminated, so the CGI he does use is excellent).