Thank you very much for the shout. :)
As for the article, lots of great facts here, some of which are ignored by fundamentalist evangelicals, as you say, who are determined to file the theatricality of Halloween under devil worship, which is just ridiculous. Unless you actually worship the devil, you're not worshipping the devil. Funny that.
Also, I'd love churches to take the opportunity to refocus the holiday on departed saints (especially martyred saints), as it would be good education apart from anything else, and a chance to reflect on what it really means to live a Christian life, amid all the dressing up. Much like Christians focus on the birth of Jesus at Christmas and the implications of it all, rather than just presents, food, and booze. Sadly, I doubt the fundamentalists will do this any time soon.
I should add that Halloween in the UK is nothing like the commercial monster that it is in the States (though it is becoming more that way in recent years).