The Dillon Empire Annual Review

What I’ve been writing in 2022.

Simon Dillon


Me with festive backdrop attempting to smile. Although once again, I need a haircut. Photo by author.

Yes, yes, I know. Another ghastly, self-serving, smug annual review thing. Some of you will be as interested in this as you are in those annual Christmas circulars from distant relatives or acquaintances. You know the kind I mean: Lots of envy-provoking utterances about career promotions, holidays in Tahiti, updates on how little Cordelia has mastered Rachmaninoff in her piano playing, despite being a toddler, and how little Tarquin is now fluent in several Oriental languages, despite having just started pre-school. And of course, don’t forget how arduous it has been putting up with builders whilst having a conservatory built.

I’m sure you get the idea. However, on the off chance that some of my readers are moderately interested in what I’ve been up to on and off this platform, what follows are some of my writing achievements in 2022.

New Novel: The Hobbford Giant

Image by Syaibatul Hamdi from Pixabay

This gothic mystery novel was top of my year’s writing goals, and I’m pleased to say I now have a first draft. Next year, I will look at the manuscript with a more critical eye, having had a bit of distance from it…



Simon Dillon

Novelist and Short Story-ist. Film and Book Lover. If you cut me, I bleed celluloid and paper pulp. Blog: