The Dillon Empire’s Other Dominions

Dare you sail off the edge of the Medium map to see what I get up to elsewhere? Here be monsters…

Simon Dillon


My wife made a juvenile quip to provoke a smile for this photograph. Photo by Zara Dillon.

I often end my articles with a big subheading “The Dillon Empire Beyond Medium”, pointing readers to my writing elsewhere with a rather functional “call-to-action” (if you’ll forgive my use of an obscenity). In a fit of self-promoting narcissist lunacy (yes, this really is all about me), I thought you might like a little more detail on what awaits you, should you dare to journey to these distant Imperial dominions.

“Might” is the operative word here. Please don’t feel obliged to stick around if the idea of learning more about my writing outside Medium fills you with nauseous dread akin to being subjected to the greatest hits of Celine Dion. Let’s move swiftly on from such unpleasant notions with a little about the other online realms where you can graduate beyond a padawan knowledge of the Dillon Empire.

Website: Simon Dillon Books

Photo by author.

I recently disabled comments on my Simon Dillon Books website. Why? Because this ought to be an online brochure of sorts; a…



Simon Dillon

Novelist and Short Story-ist. Film and Book Lover. If you cut me, I bleed celluloid and paper pulp. Blog: