This (highly amusing) article does raise an interesting question for a cineaste. What happens when the subject matter is something you can't abide, but the film itself is brilliant? A couple of examples:
1) Nashville - Given this is stuffed with country and western music, I compartmentalised as I viewed. Great on a technical level, as a piece of filmmaking, and as a commentary on America in microcosm. But I still don't like the music.
2) Senna - I have zero interest in motor racing and sport in general. But this documentary had me riveted, because it isn't so much about sport but about universally relatable human themes - ambition, rivalry, faith, loss, etc. It's so good that by the end I was moved to tears. Given my pathological aversion to sport, I'd say that constitutes the highest possible recommendation for the film.
But no, I still don't like country and western. :)