I once went on a tour of Bodmin jail which supposedly has various "ghosts" haunting the premises.
Anyway, this is a big question that requires more than a short answer on Medium, so I hope you'll forgive me for not getting into the detail this deserves. However, based on my supernatural experiences (yes, I've had some), and my beliefs as a Christian, I've concluded two things: 1) The supernatural realm is absolutely real, but it isn't what most people think it is. 2) Attempting to speak to ghosts and spirits is extremely dangerous, because if it works, the chances are you're speaking to a demon, not to the ghost of anyone. Demons trick people through the mediums who aren't fakes by lying about who they are - ie claiming to be the spirit of a departed loved one, and stating something that supposedly only the dead loved one could know, except demons can spy on people, so they can easily ascertain these details themselves. They then mix truth with lies, to lead people down the garden path, sometimes to potentially very dark places.
On the other hand, I do believe every occult activity of this kind is merely an inferior counterfeit of supernatural encounters that can be had with God, as a believer in Jesus Christ. The trouble is, most Christians (in the west certainly, and especially in the UK and Europe) tend to be a bit squeamish about the supernatural. However, nature abhors a vacuum, and if the church fails to satisfy the human craving for the supernatural, I believe darker forces are more than happy to step in instead, and they have had thousands of years experience deceiving humanity.
So the answer I always give is this: Yes, I love the supernatural, but God is the supernatural one, and it is my relationship with him and the experiences I've had as a result (which I won't get into here) that satisfy.
Of course, when it comes to fiction writing, I've written more than my fair share of ghost stories and tales of the occult, but because I am informed by my beliefs, my perspectives are inherent in my writing (without being preachy of course, as I don't believe in consciously adding agendas to stories).
I hope that answers your question. :)