This went straight to Netflix, and as you know, cinema and literature are my priorities. Therefore, I am unlikely to catch up with this any time soon, and cannot give an informed opinion. But I enjoyed your review, and I daresay I would agree with you. If there's anything I hate in a story, it's preachiness.
At the risk of getting my proverbial testicles blown off by certain rabid corners of Medium, I'd also add that I'm getting rather tired of "strong female character" meaning faultless, invulnerable heroine versus idiotic, inept men. It's flat-out bad storytelling (unless in a satirical context, like Barbie). For me a "strong female character", or indeed any strong (ie well-written) character, isn't necessarily physically strong, but well-defined, with plausible thoughts, feelings, strengths, weaknesses, temptations, trials, and someone fully capable of screwing up. I'm not sure if this film is guilty of this (again, I emphasise I haven't seen it), but it's certainly a trend I find increasingly tiresome.