You're making some good points here.
I would counter that the bad manners/racism examples aren't quite the same, as the bad behaviour is out there for everyone to see. I do take your general point though. It could well be (though I don't know for certain) that Spacey or others of his ilk are creepy and unpleasant in person, and so people ostracise him for that reason.
I don't care for the no-smoke-without-fire argument, as I believe that is almost as flawed as the if-you've-done-nothing-wrong-you've-got-nothing-to-fear argument. But I do agree that courts are not flawless, and miscarriages of justice can and do take place (both in terms of acquittals and convicitions). In that, you are right to critique my argument.
What I do get annoyed about - and here I know you agree with me - is the mob mentality of people who insist they know the truth, even though they cannot possibly be sure, because of their feelings. Feelings are not facts. It is one thing to have an opinion about the guilt of Kevin Spacey (and I am probably of your opinion, based on "feelings") but it is quite another to take to the streets (or social media) with flaming torches and pitchforks. As you rightly say, people need to pause and consider that, despite their feelings, and how it might look to them, they might just be wrong.